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  • Writer's pictureBB Blaque (bikerchicklette1)

I got this shit! No, really! Will=way. I'll call myself Will today.

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

So, a few weeks ago I thought I was going to release the new book, The Masters M.C. #4 G.F.Y. (Go Fuck Yourself), ahead of schedule. I was cranking out the words (with a lot of help from Black Label Society and my Zakk Attacks throughout each day. 45,000 words in two weeks is astounding for me! Yet, there I was, sitting on that and thrilled!

Then my shoulder decided to give me a great big middle finger salute and told me to go fuck myself . . . I swear, hand to God, I heard it. My left rotator cuff was really pissed off because I'd been ridin' it like I stole it. It stopped me in my tracks.

Well . . . I got this shit!

Being the creative chick I am I wasn't gonna let some little part of my body get the best of me (like I didn't let my computer keys beat me either for multiple books.) I still had a right hand and realized that I only need one to edit videos and upload them to YouTube. I start repurposing my old live FB feeds to get content for the channel I'd been wanting to do sometime in the future . . . but no . . . I got this shit (and I did!)

So, the little YouTube channel is up and crackin' (okay, that's overstating a bit, but it's there. I got that shit too!)

My next thing, as I always do, was to make teasers for the new book. That's always my go to guy when I've got writer's block. Some of my friends and readers will call me out on it . . . smart chicks . . . they see the pattern.

This site is the new thing to get got. I used to be a website designer back in the day when everything was Dreamweaver and easy sleazy (for me anyway.) I knew how to make the stuff, where to put it, how to link it all with drop downs and blah, blah, blah (you get the gist.) These new websites are no joke. Talk about limiting--fuck me runnin' sideways. My tagline is "Livin' and writing outside the lines in the raw!" Needless to say, all the little boxes and rules are not something I conform to easily. But, like 'the little biker bitch that could' . . . I keep tellin' myself. I got this shit!

FB is changing, and personally, I'm slightly unhinged about it. I don't like the idea of losing the wonderful friendships that have been fostered throughout the last few years. If there's a pic that's too sexy (of a fuckin' dude's naked chest), if people don't leave all the little "hearts--laughs--and wows" on posts--if they don't comment and lick the post's ass--ya know what? That poor little post will end up sittin' on the curb when the pack rolls out leaving it in its dust. It may not affect some people and for them I'm glad!

As an author/blogger/small business owner it could crush me (or us) and leave us sittin' on that fuckin' curb wondering WTF just happened. It'll be slick too. We won't even realize that we're doing this work on our posts and pimping our shit like good pimps do and not being seen. We're sittin' on that curb, covered in dust, and praying to God that the bar behind the curb at least has some heavy handed shots, a pool table, and killer jukebox.

I'm on a mission to be able to at least hang out with my peeps at that biker bar behind the curb. This site, email, & YouTube are my places to chill until we see what happens.

Thank God for YouTube! The music is well taken care of and my playlists are full of Black Label Society and FFDP.

So, yeah, with all of that. I got this shit!

biker chicklette M.C.  romance author B.B. Blaque
B.B. Blaque/bikerchicklette1

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